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Gen Z and Importance of Inter-Relationships

Working with Gen Z

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Episode  ·  44:36  ·  Dec 19, 2022


When baby boomers and Gen X were seeking their first jobs, success was directly proportional to who you knew. Whether it was access to a great Rolodex, personal connections, or just the “good old boys” network, an in-person connection built on pre-existing social capital was paramount to a seamless college to career transition.Not so much today—digitally-native Gen Z has more confidence building relationships and creating professional networks online, and from scratch, compared to their parents’ generation. These, early-career seekers are architecting relationships in novel ways, accelerating the pace and scale in which they grow their networks and advance their careers. And for many, the shift to new models of building connections online is far more equitable than in the past, suggesting a democratization of social capital for a new demographic of iGen.Despite having the ability to be constantly connected to the world around them, Gen Z is reported to be the loneliest generation ever. Research has shown a direct link between time spent on social media and the increase of loneliness within an individual. Unfortunately, loneliness is causing many Zer’s and young adults to turn to bullying and self-harm as they battle against depression, lack of confidence, and other matters related to mental health. However, this isn’t entirely specific for Gen Z but for our current society as a whole. Many individuals today are experiencing a lack of connection and interpersonal relationship. We were never meant to do this life alone This loss of social capital both in personal and professional life is becoming a problem in modern society. For Generation Z these peculiarities of their behaviour and construction of their reality can be attributed to the “digitization” of social interaction reducing social capital every year.So how do we create the awareness for this tech savvy generation to see the importance of (physical and not digital) inter-relationships ?Find out in this episode – where Health and Well Being expert Gunjan Trivedi talks about the importance of inter-relationships in the context of Gen Z. He helps us to understand why work or personal relationships are on a decline on a whole, and what are some of the symptoms causing this. How do we help Gen Z appreciate to invest in personal relationships and the patience needed to build it. He shares success stories and what are some of the ways to sustain strong relations over time.Find Us OnlineGunjan: LinkedIn, WebsiteNikhil:  Website,  Linkedin, Youtube & BookCredits:- WYN Studio: LinkedIn, Instagram- Producer: LinkedIn, Twitter- Engineer: LinkedIn, Youtube

44m 36s  ·  Dec 19, 2022

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