Gen Z and Reverse Mentoring – How can iGen Help Senior Leaders
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Episode · 45:52 · Nov 16, 2023
Reverse mentoring challenges the notion that wisdom only flows in one direction in the workplace. While senior executives offer valuable advice to junior employees, their younger counterparts also have skills and fresh perspectives to teach their higher-ups. This concept was first developed in the 1990s to share technical skills. Now, it’s gained renewed relevance. A single age group often dominated workplaces in the past, but today we see a more diverse mix of ages and generations. For that reason, organizations need to ensure all generations are represented and respected. Reverse mentoring also holds tremendous potential for companies to address the novel challenges posed by hybrid working, diversity and inclusion, and dismantling generational stereotypes.So how have companies gone about implementing this idea? What are some of the challenges and tips to implement a successful RM program?Find out more in this episode as HR Leader Manisha Goel, explains: The difference between traditional mentoring and reverse mentoring? Why is it important for organizations to adopt reverse mentoring? What are some of the hurdles one can expect in implementing RM and how to overcome them? How should success be evaluated in a Reverse Mentoring program? Any specific Do’s and Don’ts to ensure seamless implementation from Companies and how to groom Gen Z’s for this initiative? What is the current prevalence of RM across organizations? Find Us OnlineManisha Goel : LinkedIn Nikhil: Website, Linkedin, Youtube & Book
45m 52s · Nov 16, 2023
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