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Government is Showing its Weakness

The Real Power Family Radio Show

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Episode  ·  50:24  ·  Sep 16, 2024


Government is Showing its Weakness The governments of the world, especially ours, are showing their weakness through wars. They are demanding media companies stop reporting. They are censoring more than ever. Strong men don’t need to start a fight to prove they are strong. They already have confidence. Only bully’s need to exert their dominance on others. Only liars need to suppress the truth. The good news is I believe we are at peak centralization. Look at how Uber changed the cab industry. Airbnb created as many rooms for rent in a few years as the largest hotel chains did in a hundred years. All of this was based on the safety of a 5-star rating only. No Government laws & protection needed. You wonder why cities are outlawing Airbnb? It is not because they are unsafe or bad in any way. It is because they are better and they cannot be controlled like the big chains.   We also have a section on reverse mortgages in this episode. www.RealPowerFamily.com Info@ClearSkyTrainer.com 833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428

50m 24s  ·  Sep 16, 2024

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