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Healing Practices for Traumatized Energy Systems | Dr. Keesha Ewers & Regan Claire

Liberating Generations

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Episode  ·  41:35  ·  Oct 5, 2023


Everything in nature is made up of five elements: air, water, earth, fire, and space… Likewise, we have five energy systems that we can tie to each of them. Everyone has at least one (but likely two or more) of these energy patterns that we pull from in response to stress, trauma, and day to day life.  By knowing our energy systems, we’re able to better understand why specific emotions show through in stressful situations - it allows us to recognize subconscious patterning that we may have otherwise been unaware of. It also enables us to discover useful methods that work to balance that energy in a more positive way. In this episode, Dr. Keesha and Regan Claire dive deeper into the five energy systems - join them as they explore some of the most powerful healing practices for each of the patterns, so you can find balance and begin to heal from traumatized energy. (Don’t know your energy pattern? Click here to watch “Trauma & the Energy Body” and find out!)  Tune in to hear more about: [00:08] - Discovering energy patterns[08:30] - Healing practices for “Air”[17:30] - Healing practices for “Water”[25:44] - Healing practices for “Earth”[29:00] - Healing practices for “Fire”[34:35] - Healing practices for “Space”  Connect with Dr. Keesha Ewers - Website: www.drkeesha.com | Instagram: @dr_keesha_ewers | Facebook: Keesha Ewers | TikTok: @liberating_generations Connect with Regan Claire - Website: www.tasteofliberation.com | Instagram: @tasteofliberation

41m 35s  ·  Oct 5, 2023

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