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Homeschooling: It's Easier Than You Think

The Real Power Family Radio Show

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Episode  ·  1:00:03  ·  Sep 5, 2024


Homeschooling: It's Easier Than You Think Many people have the idea that homeschooling will take 6 hours a day. It is not even close to that. If you really want is best for your kids consider taking them out of government schools. Another false belief is that all kids should or even can learn all of the same things. That is crazy! Kids are different. They have different learning styles. They will grow to be adults that run different business or choose different careers. They are smart enough to know from the time they are born what they like in life. If you really want them to choose a profession they love, why not start them by letting them learn what they love the way they love to learn. If you want help, mentoring or just some guidance sign-up for our: Family Freedom Membership. www.RealPowerFamily.com Info@ClearSkyTrainer.com 833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428)

1h 3s  ·  Sep 5, 2024

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