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How To Design Your Retirement Income: An Overview (Canadian Financial Summit 2023)

Unconventional Wisdom

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Episode  ·  54:24  ·  Sep 12, 2024


With the Canadian Financial Summit coming up at the end of October, I wanted to share over the next few weeks content that Summit attendees had access to last year. When you register you get access to talks like these, plus a myriad of other speakers who are some of Canada’s top financial experts.  I’ll be promoting the Summit and giving away free tickets too! // When it comes to retirement, it’s crucial to get the big picture right before diving into the details.  Setting up your retirement income involves more than just ticking boxes; it requires a strategic approach to ensure you’re financially secure throughout your retirement years.  In this podcast episode, Barry Choi interviewed me about designing your retirement income effectively. You’ll learn: What are the 4 steps to design your retirement income? What’s Important about Money to You? How do you know when you have reached “Financial Independence”? What is “Your Number”? What are the key concepts to understand retirement income? How much can you reliably withdraw from your investments for life? What are the 3 retirement income design strategies? How do you decide which is best for you? How do you design your retirement income? How much from which source? Overview or when to start pensions, RRIF, CPP, OAS & other investments. Should you defer or commute your pension? Should you worry about high tax on your estate?

54m 24s  ·  Sep 12, 2024

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