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How Trained Spa & Wellness Employees Can Boost Your Hotel's Revenue & Guest Satisfaction | Eps. #349

Hospitality Property School

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Episode  ·  8:11  ·  Jun 29, 2023


Where tranquillity meets excellence.Why the right spa and wellness employees can be the heartbeat of your guest's experience.A hotel spa and wellness employee is responsible for providing guests with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience during their stay. This requires a unique set of skills and qualifications that go beyond basic customer service training. In this episode, I discuss the qualifications that are necessary for a hotel spa and wellness employee to succeed in their role.Continue reading, watching, or listening, and I’ll share the qualifications spa and wellness employees should have, right after a word from our sponsor…⇒ TO WATCH, READ OR LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE ON KEYSTONE HOSPITALITY PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT:https://keystonehpd.com/how-trained-spa-and-wellness-employees-can-boost-your-hotels-revenue-and-guest-satisfaction-eps-349Take advantage of our courseshttps://courses.keystonehospitalitydevelopment.com/Get your copy of the “How to Improve Your Hospitality Properties Success” e-book? https://keystonehpd.com/how-to-improve-your-hospitality-propertys-successGet Your INNsider Tipshttps://KeystoneHPD.com/INNsider-TipsJoin one of your private groupshttps://keystonehpd.com/private-groupsSay hi on socialFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeystoneHPDTwitter: https://twitter.com/KeystoneHPDLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/keystone-hospitality-developmentListen to The Hospitality Property School PODCAST herehttps://www.keystonehpd.com/hospitality-property-school-podcastsYouTubehttps://youtu.be/DGyRqbmNTBYA Division of Keystone Hospitality Property Development

8m 11s  ·  Jun 29, 2023

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