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James Boyle - AI & Personhood

Tim Ventura Interviews

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Episode  ·  36:17  ·  Oct 25, 2024


Professor James Boyle revisits the debate over human, corporate, and animal personhood - and introduces new topics, including artificial intelligence, transgenic species, and extraterrestrial intelligence from his book, "The Line: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Personhood". James Boyle is the William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law at Duke Law School and founder of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain. He was one of the original Board Members and served as chairman of the Board of Creative Commons, as well as co-founder of Science Commons. Professor Boyle was awarded the Electronic Frontier Foundation's "Pioneer" Award for his work on digital civil liberties. He also received World Technology Network Award for Law for his work on the public domain and the "second enclosure movement" that threatens it. James is the author of numerous books and articles on intellectual property, internet regulation and legal theory, and his latest book is entitled, "The Line: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Personhood", which we're discussing today. LINKS & RESOURCES: The Line: AI and the Future of Personhood https://www.amazon.com/Line-AI-Future-Personhood/dp/0262049163 James Boyle (Official Website) http://james-boyle.com/ James Boyle (Duke Law School) https://law.duke.edu/fac/boyle James Boyle - The Public Domain https://www.thepublicdomain.org/bio/

36m 17s  ·  Oct 25, 2024

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