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John 6

Hearing with Faith

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Episode  ·  1:33:22  ·  Mar 29, 2023


John 6 outlines the events surrounding Jesus feeding the 5,000, his ensuing conversation with the crowds, and his claims about being the bread of life. In the chapter, Jesus demonstrates his divine power by multiplying five loaves and two fish to feed the entire crowd, and subsequently withdraws to the mountain alone. The people seek out Jesus, and he admonishes them for seeking him for his earthly miracles rather than for spiritual nourishment. Jesus then declares that he is the bread of life, which can give eternal life, and that those who come to him will never go hungry. Some of the responders to Jesus' claims grumble about him and leave him, but the others who remain are the ones who have come to believe in him.

1h 33m 22s  ·  Mar 29, 2023

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