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JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM - Advent Special - Day 18 - King David – A man after the Heart of God

Greater Glory of God

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Episode  ·  14:05  ·  Dec 16, 2020


Click the link to watch the video https://youtu.be/By3XL1vuGBI GREATER GLORY OF GOD   Presents  Advent Special  JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM  Eighteenth Day in the company of David – a man after the Heart of God   - The name "David" means one who is well beloved.   - He was born the eighth and youngest son of Jesse, a resident of Bethlehem.   - He was the great grandson of Ruth (who wrote the book of Ruth) and Boaz (Ruth 4:22)  – we travelled with her (Ruth) on the 16th day   - He was a shepherd - a job usually reserved for the least esteemed of the family or its servants.  - The least one is chosen to lead the People of God  - God chose him and anointed him king of Israel  - He is an example of God-Confidence defeating Goliath without any armor of the army   - 1Samuel 17 A few years after his anointing, David fights and takes the life of Goliath the giant, a Philistine – David became a more famous than Soul, the King – which made Saul so jealous of David that he wanted to kill David  - Because of a contention over the throne, King David ruled only the tribe of Judah after the death of Saul. His rule over one tribe, which began when he was about 30, lasted seven and one-half years. After this time, all the elders of Israel acknowledge him as the sole ruler over all the tribes – becoming the King of the United Kingdom of Israel with Jerusalem as its capital  - After a few missteps, he eventually brings the Ark of the Covenant into the city and unsuccessfully attempted to build a temple for God which became a reality only during the reign of Solomon, his son  - He also wrote at least 77 of 150 Psalms found in the Bible.   Mistakes by David  - Unfortunately, many of David's problems are self-inflicted. His illicit affair with Bathsheba, the arranged murder of her husband and attempt at cover up his sins cost him grief, dishonor, the life of a child and trouble within his household.  - The sin of taking a census to determine the size of his army, instead of trusting God, cost the lives of more than 70,000 Israelites.  - His lack of discipline in his own house contributed to his son Absalom rebelling against him and another son Adonijah seeking to inherit the throne instead of Solomon. Death   The life of King David ends shortly after proclaiming his son Solomon the next ruler of Israel. He dies at the age of seventy after ruling God's people for forty years.   Importance of David in the Salvation History - David – a man after the Heart of God (1 Samuel 13:14) - Davidic Covenant

14m 5s  ·  Dec 16, 2020

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