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Labels Part 1

Other People's Shoes

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Episode  ·  35:18  ·  Mar 6, 2019


The greatest gift on the planet is a mom. My guest is Anna who is mother of three young men.Anna shares her insight on how labels have affected her and her young men. We discussI.E.P.'s or Individualized Education Programs and how it can be a good thing for parents.We discuss the importance of Parents being an active participant in the education of their students.Anna shares her perspective on how raising her young men to be great husbands is her most important job as a mom. We also discus Hallmark movies, Disney princesses, and so much more.Quotes:"You can't know what you don't know. You can't knowabout things you have yet to discover."Jonathan RaymondButterfly Effect defined:(with reference to chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized changeDomino effect defined:A domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effectproduced when one event sets off a chain of similar eventsin a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.•Remember when you walk in Other People's Shoes you get a different perspective!•Other People's Shoes is a non-profit tax-deductible organization. If you feel lead to give click here•Have questions or want to give feedback call or text: 203-548-SHOE•If you enjoy the show you can subscribe to us on your favorite podcast platforms, so you don't miss an episode. We would also love it if you could leave us a review on iTunes!•To hear other episodes go to:www.opspodcast.comYouTube.com•Social Media:**Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: **•If you have questions or comments email us at: opspodcastshow@gmail.com

35m 18s  ·  Mar 6, 2019

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