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Let's Talk About It With Jenny White/Why Should I Take the Vaccine?

PJC Media

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Episode  ·  1:38:00  ·  Apr 16, 2022


Here are10 reasons why we should get vaccinated: 1.) vaccine-preventable diseases have not gone away. The viruses and bacteria that cause illness and death still exist and can be passed on to those who are not protected by vaccines; 2.) vaccines will help keep you healthy. The CDC recommends vaccinations throughout your life to protect against many infections; 3.) vaccines are as important to your overall health as diet and exercise; 4.) vaccination can mean the difference between life and death. vaccine-preventable infections can be deadly; 5.) vaccines are safe. The US has a robust approval process to ensure that all licensed vaccines are safe; 6.) vaccines will not cause the diseases they are designed to prevent. Vaccines contain either killed or weakened viruses, making it impossible to get the disease from the vaccine; 7.) young and healthy people can get very sick, too. Infants and older adults are at increased risk for serious infections and complications; 8.) vaccine-preventable diseases are expensive and not taking the vaccine may have you spending more time away from your job because of the illness; 9.) when you get sick, your children, grandchildren, and parents may be at risk; 10.) your family and co-workers need you.

1h 38m   ·  Apr 16, 2022

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