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Living in the here and now: Is future rescue inevitable? with Colleen Marshall & Miles Simons

The Kornelia Stephanie Show

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Episode  ·  59:12  ·  Jul 21, 2023


Over recent decades, we have borne witness to the many people awaiting rescue from our increasingly chaotic reality. The grinding obligation of dealing with political corruption, debt slavery, and the cruelties of day-to-day 3-D existence has eroded our hopes to the point where it is no wonder many raise their hands in despair and wait to be rescued. The realm of alternative information abounds with tempting promises of rescue for those who yearn for escape: Ascension and Divine Intervention Galactic Federation: First Contact Rescue Landings NESARA: Abundance and Debt Forgiveness Med Beds, Celestial Chambers, Crystal Light Metamorphosis Chambers Restored Political System with 'Honest' Leaders The problem with these promises, held out like carrots to the desperate, is that they are only POSSIBILITIES. They encourage us to sit and wait . . . and wait . . . and wait. And in waiting, we exist in a bubble, not in the real world. In reaching up for a helping hand, we are not moving ahead. We are dreaming, not doing, envisioning, not acting. It is far too easy to succumb to the comfort of inactivity, the vision of rescue. Far more difficult to stand up, step forward, and ACT!!! But that is what we all must do. It is time for us all, using our God-given gift of discernment, the combined wisdom of head and heart, to wake up, shake off all the dreams and illusions and what-ifs , join the present moment, and ACT!!! These are critical times. Awakening times. We are all on an epochal and upward-ascending path, being bathed in the iridescent frequencies of the cosmos. By acting by being in THIS moment we join the flow of the universe, its positive intent, and contribute wholeheartedly to a healthy and universally-predetermined reality shift for all on this earth. Here are some links to our PAO Website. Helpful PAO links: Website: https://www.paoweb.com/ Monthly Webinars: https://www.paoweb.com/webinars.htm PAO's FREE Galactic News Letter: https://www.paoweb.com/madmimi.htm

59m 12s  ·  Jul 21, 2023

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