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Lt. Jason Redman, US Navy (Ret.) | What Does the Sign on Your Door Say?

Rebuilding with Shelley Armato

Episode   ·  10 Plays

Episode  ·  10 Plays  ·  17:31  ·  Feb 14, 2022


"THE MARK OF A PERSON IS NOT FOUND IN HIS PAST, BUT HOW HE OVERCOMES ADVERSITY AND BUILDS HIS FUTURE. QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION." - Lt. Jason Redman, US Navy (Ret.)Jason “Jay” Redman was born in a small town in central Ohio and attended schools in Ohio, North Carolina, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Florida before graduating from Lumberton High School in Southern North Carolina. He joined the Navy on September 11, 1992 and began his naval career at boot camp in Orlando, Florida.On September 13, 2007 while acting as Assault Force Commander on an operation to capture an Al Qaeda High Value Individual LT Redman’s Assault Team came under heavy machine gun and small arms fire and he along with two other Teammates were wounded in the ensuing firefight. Despite being shot twice in the arm and once in the face, as well as multiple rounds to his helmet, Night Vision Goggles, body armor, and weapon, Jason and his Team fought valiantly winning the fight, ensuring everyone came home alive.In August, while recovering at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, LT Redman wrote and hung a bright orange sign on his door, which became a statement and symbol for wounded warriors everywhere. This sign gained national recognition and earned LT Redman and his family an invitation to meet President George W. Bush in the Oval Office. The original sign on the door, signed by President Bush, now hangs in the Wounded Ward at the National Naval Medical Center Bethesda.Today, Jason has expanded his programs with his focus on helping individuals, companies and teams to “GET OFF THE X” ™ from “Life Ambushes. He provides, speaking, workshops, online programs, executive coaching and business consulting to businesses around the world and group coaching through his “Get off the X Training and Overcome Army™ group coaching programs.Jason has appeared on numerous national news networks including Fox News, CBS, CNN, and CBN. He has appeared frequently on Fox and Friends and the Huckabee show. Jason has appeared in multiple documentaries including History Channel’s, Navy SEALs, America’s Secret Warriors. To learn more about Jason visit: https://jasonredman.com/

17m 31s  ·  Feb 14, 2022

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