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Man Lotion, Name Tattoos, and the JEEP Owner cult - Ep.89


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Episode  ·  1:07:42  ·  May 27, 2022


In this episode we decide that "Pineapple Juice" is the new phrase to cancel a conversation or stop from answering a question. Looks like the merch might come out of retirement. In this episode we... ...discuss working for a video store and how Adam's life would be different. ...talk about Geroge Carlins new biography and Freaks and Geeks behind the scenes. ...learn from Bob about a secret actor trick to make yourself cry. ...give you a full rundown on our new sponsor : Bubbly Bath and Body ...touch base and give kudos about the Fort Myers Film Festival. ...play Filthy Trivia about Feet Sweat?! ...discuss the horror of having names tattooed on your body! ...learn that something smells at Carmax? ...fully discuss owning a JEEP. -----------------------------------------   Thank you so much for listening and watching!     Website: https://rayhartrundown.com Merch: https://rayhartrundownmerch.com Retired merch: https://rayhartrundown.com/teepublic Become a Patreon Peacock: https://patreon.com/rayhartrundown Follow us on:   Instagram: https://instagram.com/therayhartrundown   Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayhartrundown   Facebook: https://facebook.com/rayhartrundownpodcast  Friends of the show: iPossessed Movie: https://rayhartrundown.com/ipossessed  Shame of Life Game: ShameofLife.com Soaps and Lotions: Bubblybathandbody.com   SUPPORT US by using one or all of these Free Trial or Offer links:    Epidemic Sound and Music: https://rayhartrundown.com/sound  Headliner for Subtitles: https://rayhartrundown.com/headliner  Your own Podcast Website: https://rayhartrundown.com/podpage  Get a better link tree: https://rayhartrundown.com/biolinks  Make free Video Emails : https://rayhartrundown.com/bonjoro

1h 7m 42s  ·  May 27, 2022

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