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MLM Mayhem- Ep. 2: Amway

That's So Fcked Up

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Episode  ·  1:17:12  ·  Jun 13, 2023


Hey Huns! This month, TSFU Presents: MLM Mayhem! Ash and GURU level Patron, TSFU team member and generally amazing friend of the show, Fallon Morey, give you the low down on these predatory "businesses".This week, Ash and Fallon talk about the OG of MLMs. Amway. What do they sell? All kinds of bullshirt ranging from cleaning products to energy drinks to Evangelical Christianity. And of course the ultimate dream of financial freedom and living your best life as an IBO (Independent Business Operator). Hop in kids, this one's a wild ride!-Join us for as little as $5 a month on Patreon!-We'd love to see you in our Discord, come hang out!-We have really fun merch, go take a look!-Follow us on Instagram and Twitter!-Audio editing by Nicole Peek.-Research assistance by Fallon Morey.-Sources:https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/01/22/rearranging-amway-event-for-reagan/b3e74482-5ce0-4d20-9f98-ebdc9b4d4918/https://seanmungerhistory.substack.com/p/the-tools-cult-the-history-of-the-bdcwww.amway.com.https://www.salon.com/2014/05/18/the_evangelical_presidency_reagans_dangerous_love_affair_with_the_christian_right/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amway

1h 17m 12s  ·  Jun 13, 2023

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