MMP Talks (5): How Martial Arts Saved My Life - Vik Hothi
The Martial Mind Power & Martial Arts Philosophy Podcast
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Episode · 17:09 · Jun 3, 2021
https://talks.martialmindpower.com/ Vik Hothi - Martial Arts Instructor with Black Belts in 5 Different Martial Arts.   Vik started martial arts, Karate, at the young age of 8, and went on to study and attain Black Belts and Competition Titles in Tae Kwon Do, Sambo, Escrima, Kickboxing and a Master Level in Wing Chun Kung Fu.    Vik is considered one of the UK pioneers in the movement to incorporate kettlebells, club bells and giving the first courses in movement and circular strength training as well as tactical fitness.    Vik has been privileged to travel the world teaching martial arts to the weekend warrior through to professional athletes and special forces. He now runs his own martial arts organisation, IMAS, with a full-time academy based in Slough with around 300 students.    Despite having an elite level of fitness and being a highly trained martial artist, recently Vik nearly died due to being afflicted with a horrendous illness (FYI, his illness is not contagious).    "Martial arts gave me everything in life and helped me survive and thrive when faced with death." Vic Hothi http://www.imas-uk.com ========== Martial Mind Power Talks - Martial Mindset for Everyday Life. Spreading Self Mastery Inspired By Martial Arts. MMP TALKS is a non-profit social enterprise devoted to spreading self-mastery teachings inspired by martial art & philosophy combined with self-help to raise the consciousness of the self, collective, and Mother Earth to make the world a better place to live in. At the MMP TALKS inspired thought leaders, authorities, and masters in our community will share a compelling talk (up to 20 minutes) about their key life message inspired through the hidden secrets and power of the martial arts & philosophy, to educate, inspire and empower you to step into your truest power through The Art of Self Mastery. Martial Mind Power - http://www.martialmindpower.com
17m 9s · Jun 3, 2021
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