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Mommy - I am Bored!!!

Simplified Parenting and Emotionally Healthy Child

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Episode  ·  7:08  ·  Jul 13, 2023


The most common concern for parents is how to engage their kids. Whenever their kids get some free time, they keep coming and disturbing them, saying, "Mommy - I am Bored." Boredom is a normal emotion experienced by children, but when it becomes a recurring complaint, it's essential to address it. The problem is not with the kids nor with the boredom. There are specific reasons as to why the kids keep coming and disturbing you, saying I am Bored. We also discuss identifying and addressing underlying emotional needs or learning difficulties that may contribute to boredom. Tune into the episode to understand the reasons for this behavior.

7m 8s  ·  Jul 13, 2023

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