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Mommy - That boy has taken away my toys!

Simplified Parenting and Emotionally Healthy Child

Episode   ·  0 Play

Episode  ·  7:50  ·  Aug 3, 2023


As parents, we know that sharing is a vital life skill that shapes our children's social and emotional development. But why are our younger ones unwilling to share their toys with others, whereas they share them with us(parents)? How do we effectively teach them to embrace the joy of giving and cooperation? Discover the power of storytelling, the significance of communication, and the beauty of leading by example. We delve into the dos and don'ts, respecting your child's boundaries while gently guiding them toward becoming caring and empathetic individuals. The link for my detailed blog post on how to start teaching the concept of sharing to our young children. https://mommyshravmusings.com/how-to-teach-your-child-to-share/

7m 50s  ·  Aug 3, 2023

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