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New York Noir- Ep. 2: The Murder of Kitty Genovese

That's So Fcked Up

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Episode  ·  55:36  ·  Oct 10, 2022


In the second episode of That's So Fucked Up Presents: New York Noir, host of the podcast Give Us Morgue, Megan Powell, joins Ash as she tells the story of the murder of Kitty Genovese.Kitty Genovese was murdered in the early hours of Queens, NY, March 13, 1964 (which happened to be a Friday the 13th). It was estimated at the time that there were 38 eyewitnesses to Kitty's brutal murder, watching or hearing the attack, but not doing anything to help- although this was disproven later. Her murder inspired the social psychological theory, the bystander effect, and the creation of the 911 emergency system. Join us to hear one of New York's most infamous murder cases!Check out Megans's show wherever you listen to podcasts, check out her website at giveusmorgue.com, and follow her on IG @giveusmorgue!-Crave more New York crime? Look no further than these episodes! *Episode 29- Cult: The Birth of NXIVMhttps://pod.link/1508752329/episode/8645e3606fd4cf8489dda5ab47d5846c*Episode 30- Cult: The Death of NXIVMhttps://pod.link/1508752329/episode/2a0a51991228a876a74ba540a17410c9*Episode 31- Wrongfully Imprisoned: Kalief Browder, with Defense Attorney Paul Prestiahttps://pod.link/1508752329/episode/98c970f9d3c3f59d3ac531b88af0b199*Episode 59- Extreme Squalor and Hoarding: The Edie Beales of Grey Gardens and the Collyer Brothershttps://pod.link/1508752329/episode/06792bee1953f20ade8f10c528e33a2d-If you’d just like to support your gals and the show, you can head over to patreon.com/TSFU and join for as little as $5 a month! That's less than a latte! -Come hang out in our Discord! Here's your special invite: discord.gg/UYbR58B8nP!-Check out our sweet merch at tsfuthepodcast.com/merch!-Follow us @tsfuthepodcast on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and on TikTok @thatssoeffedupnews!-Audio engineering by Emma Bowen.-Sources:https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/crime/kitty-genovesehttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/04/05/winston-moseley-killer-in-kitty-genovese-case-that-became-a-symbol-of-urban-apathy-dies-in-prison-at-81/https://murderpedia.org/male.M/m/moseley-winston.htmhttps://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/908/1120/1457458/https://www.britannica.com/topic/bystander-effecthttps://thenewinquiry.com/dont-look-now/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK542176/https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kitty-genovese-murder_n_5703d5a3e4b0daf53af0e0b7

55m 36s  ·  Oct 10, 2022

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