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Not a Patient but a Consumer – Not a Visitor but an Advocate

Patient Safety Radio

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Episode  ·  29:11  ·  Aug 23, 2020


Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are restricting "visitors".  A visit is a casual and short event. So don't call me a visitor – I'm an advocate for my loved one.  Every patient/consumer needs someone to advocate for them 24/7. What is happening behind closed doors? Today we share some real life stories about inflated COVID deaths, no family oversight, crisis standard of care, and the ensuing patient harm. If you have a loved one in the hospital – make it clear that  you are NOT a visitor. You are the designated advocate. If enough people speak up and make noise, healthcare facilities will be forced to change their rules to accomodate the consumer – the consumer who keeps the business of healthcare in business.Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.  

29m 11s  ·  Aug 23, 2020

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