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Panel Discussion - How To Fight Greenwashing!

B Corp B Fashion

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  53:24  ·  May 6, 2022


♻️ What is the Greenwashing risk and why is it important to communicate correctly the company’s path towards the achievement of sustainable development?There is increasing pressure from governments and international institutions to achieve the Paris Agreement commitment to limit global warming to well below 2°C and pushing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action clearly states the vision of the industry to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.If before sustainable business practices were 'nice to have', today it is clear that it is a key prerequisite for operating a successful business.Therefore the interest in communicating sustainability is rapidly growing, but still, according to data from IPSOS 2020, 76% of the population state that it is difficult to understand which companies are truly sustainable and which are not.❓How can fashion companies communicate effectively their commitment toward sustainability and which data do they use to support the sustainability claims they make? In this panel discussion, we are going to answer these questions and much more, looking at the actual regulations and upcoming EU regulations on the topic and learning from the experience of fashion b-corps that have built their identity around the topic of transparent communication and trustful relationship with their clients.The biggest risk of greenwashing is the erosion of trust as well as potential economic sanctions and financial issues.During the panel we will discuss the topic from the legal, communication, and brand perspective.Meet our speakers:‍ Silvia Mazzanti, Product & Sustainability Manager at Save the Duck s.p.a.‍♀️ Alice Siracusano, CEO at LUZ Agency Veronica Muratori, Associate at Withersworldwide‍ Moderator: Martina Schiuma, Head of Sustainability at The ID Factory

53m 24s  ·  May 6, 2022

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