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Pediheart Podcast #311: "Off-Label" Use Of The Piccolo Device For Congenital Heart Defects

Pediheart: Pediatric Cardiology Today

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Episode  ·  31:15  ·  Sep 13, 2024


This week we speak with noted interventional cardiologist Dr. Shyam Sathanandam of LeBonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN about novel, 'off-label' uses of the Amplatzer Piccolo device in children. In what sorts of lesions does Dr. Sathanandam believe this device offers distinct advantages for vascular closure? What is the feature of this device that allows it to work for small defect closure so effectively and safely? Are there any new changes coming to this device or the delivery system for PDA closure in the premature infant? These are amongst the questions and topics reviewed with our guest this week!https://doi.org/10.1080/14796678.2024.2355057

31m 15s  ·  Sep 13, 2024

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