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Playful Curiosity: Finding Lightness in the Journey of ReAwakening with Celia Barsby

The Spiritual Geek Podcast: Wisdom for Modern Times

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Episode  ·  46:35  ·  Aug 30, 2023


Hello Bright Lights! Welcome to a brand new episode of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! In today's episode, host Sheila Franzen sits down with the incredible Celia Barsby for an enlightening conversation that will leave you feeling inspired, refreshed, and connected to your higher self. Celia, who once felt overwhelmed by life, has discovered a powerful way to reframe those moments as "feeling stretchy." As she shares her journey of expansion and growth, she unveils the tools she has acquired to regain her elasticity and gracefully handle potential moments of overwhelm. In this episode, the discussion centers around embracing curiosity and finding the joy in the journey of discovering and honoring one's soul's purpose. Celia shares her experiences with playful alterations in how information is received, and how these little tricks can spark a sense of wonder and open new spiritual dimensions. With a focus on being present in the moment, Celia reveals how she has transformed her approach to personal growth. She highlights the importance of incorporating lightness into spiritual teachings and the profound impact it can have on our soul's evolution. As the conversation unfolds, Celia delves into her own exploration of life purpose and the attachment she once had to the outcome. She references the powerful book "The Garden Party," which beautifully illustrates the journey of spreading one's wings and connecting with the soul's purpose. So tune in, dear listener, for an episode packed with insights, guidance, and profound wisdom. Discover the power of being stretched, uncover the secrets of your soul's purpose, and embark on a joyous journey of self-discovery with Sheila Franzen and Celia Barsby in this captivating episode of the Spiritual Geek Podcasts. Stay tuned! About Celia: Celia Barsby is a Creative Visionary and now your personal Cosmic Soul Guide. Celia creates a safe space for women seeking inner joy and connection to their own wisdom. You can find your passion for living in creative flow with the Universe and recalibrate your life so that it becomes vibrant and magical, full of self-discovery and purpose. Discover what lights you up and see what is possible for you. You will receive your Soul Resources on your journey. Your Soul Structures will be revealed to you in a powerful and fun, creative ways through various transformational tools, enabling you to reclaim your soul’s purpose so you can flourish and grow. Come weave with Celia at your Soul’s Garden Party. Step through the rickety gate of your Creative Heart Space and open your pathways into your Soul’s Magical Garden. About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, technical geek, author and energy healer. She works with spiritual seekers to assist them in discovering, embracing and standing in their Soul's power. She helps them create momentum with coaching, support and healing so they can light up their path to step forward in service to humanity. DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. We encourage you to seek guidance from a qualified spiritual or healthcare professional for any specific questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. WAYS TO WORK WITH CELIA Celia Barsby's Website Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Start of the Journey - FREE download of Magical Key 1 - WORKBOOK “Start of the Journey” and my invitation to book in for your Free Discovery Session so we can chat about ReAwakening your Soul's Purpose WAYS TO WORK WITH SHEILA Spiritual Geek Podcast Sheila Franzen's Website Download FREE Expand Your Light EBook Book A Coaching Session with Sheila Experience a Powerful Torus Energy Healing

46m 35s  ·  Aug 30, 2023

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