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Love Conquers All with Dr. Berlinda Love

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Episode  ·  55:49  ·  Jun 3, 2024


My biblical references for this show are from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon, son of King David is considered the richest and wisest man of the earth. He is credited for writing this book, which is a journal or diary of Ecclesiastes the preacher. It tells about his life as an older person looking back on the folly of his youth, seeing the life that he once lived and wishing that he could start anew. Early in the book he speaks of life being meaningless. Everything repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun. However in chapters three through ten God is acknowledged as the giver of all gifts. The message is that life is very fragile and fleeting. There is no time to waste and it is imperative that we cherish the people that we love for the time that we have them. Quality of life is better than quantity. We cannot go back in time, but we can change our course in the now and future by putting God first and praising Him always and in all situations, whether good or bad. God is the source of everything that we have whether great or small and we must be thankful and live in His Will.

55m 49s  ·  Jun 3, 2024

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