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Remote Viewing Cases of Suspected Skinwalkers with Dennis Carroll

The Cryptid Huntress

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Episode  ·  1:17:49  ·  Nov 20, 2023


In recent years, videos of suspected Skinwalkers have made the rounds on social media and around the world. From a creepy man crawling out of the woods and approaching a vehicle as the men drove away, to disembodied voices spooking horses and unsuspecting hikers. Jessica has remote viewed some of these cases and the results are creepy, perhaps leaving more questions than answers. A Skinwalker is a “witch” that committed unspeakable acts to obtain the power to “change their shape into an animal in order to do harm." They mimic sounds that might draw someone’s attention, like the voice of a loved one or a stranger that might be in trouble, in order to lure their defenseless victims to their death. It’s often personal, akin to having a hex put upon you, and they exist primarily on Native American reservations. The Skinwalker is a deeply terrifying figure for Indigenous peoples, and their threat is taken very seriously.To access to the raw remote viewing data, join Jessica's Patreon - https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntress Follow Jessica:https://thecryptidhuntress.com https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCryptidHuntress https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntress

1h 17m 49s  ·  Nov 20, 2023

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