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Remote Viewing Miami Bayside Mall Shadow Aliens Incident with Barry Littleton

The Cryptid Huntress

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  1:26:53  ·  Jan 21, 2024


On the evening of January 1, 2024, it was reported that 7-10 foot tall "shadow aliens' emerged from a portal inside the Bayside Mall in Miami, as people panicked and some shot at the creatures. The humanoid aliens were said to begin attacking as they cloaked and shapeshifted. The power in the surrounding area was shut off, air space above the mall was restricted, and police scanners went dark.Official reports by law enforcement state that a group of teenagers got into a brawl and shot fireworks, and the police were called. Around one-hundred officers arrived, along with over sixty patrol cars and helicopters patrolled overhead. But all for a teenage brawl? Sounds a little suspicious and many believe there is much more to this story than meets the eye. Was this brawl a cover story for an actual alien encounter? Could this be the beginning of Project Blue Beam and the highly anticipated and predicted "alien invasion?"Jessica was tasked with the blind coordinate remote viewing targets of the Bayside Mall incident and also a living, conscious alien craft, capable of virtual reality scenario technology (VRST). Barry Littleton joins in to discuss the mall incident, his experience in an alien craft with VRST, portals, mind control technology, quantum computers, screen memories, and the gray overlay.For access to the raw remote viewing data, join Patreon - https://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntressFollow Barry: https://www.youtube.com/@barrylittleton6504https://Patreon.com/BarryLittletonFollow Jessica: https://thecryptidhuntress.comhttps://www.youtube.com/c/TheCryptidHuntresshttps://Patreon.com/thecryptidhuntresshttps://www.facebook.com/TheCryptidHuntresshttps://www.instagram.com/thecryptidhuntress/

1h 26m 53s  ·  Jan 21, 2024

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