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Remote Viewing the UFOs Shot Down Over North America with Barry Littleton

The Cryptid Huntress

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  1:08:50  ·  Mar 11, 2023


It was reported that the US military shot down three unidentified aerial objects in North American airspace recenly. One over Alaska, another over northern Canada and one over the Great Lakes region. Despite having cameras on the fighter jet that supposedly took the UAPs out, there has been no footage shown, nor wreckage recovered.Is this a distraction from something larger going on? Or are we under attack from beings from outer space? Jessica has remote viewed the alleged UFOs shot down over North America and reveals her data here with Barry Littleton.

1h 8m 50s  ·  Mar 11, 2023

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