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Rhythm of the Heart with Daisy - Episode 17- Daisy’s Feeling the Love

Rhythm of the Heart with Daisy

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Episode  ·  57:35  ·  Aug 23, 2019


This will be an adventure of the mind filled with music and me, Daisy. You will hear a variety of music, from old to new and in a variety of genres that will be part of this incredible journey. For me, music can say so many things and sometimes tell a story, not only of where my mind, but where my heart is. I live by the motto of ‘Live life to the fullest and not just survive the time we have’, so take some chances and make the memories to have a life of love and laughter.Catch Rhythm of the Heart with Daisy Thursdays at 9:00PM EST on SunflowerRadio.com.

57m 35s  ·  Aug 23, 2019

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