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RIP Sylvain Sylvain - Episode 41

The ABC's of Rock Podcast

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Episode  ·  13:25  ·  Jan 16, 2021


We lost the great Sylvain Sylvain this week and I'm heartbroken. At the same time I am thankful that I did have an opportunity to see Sylvain 10 years ago during the New York Dolls reunion tour and it was an incredible show. I know this mini-episode can't possibly fully honor his entire career, but it wasn't that long ago I did an entire episode dedicated to the New York Dolls and much of that show I talk about how amazing he is as a musician. So after this head on over to episode #16 - The New York Dolls - "Long After a Masquerade". RIP Sylvain.Please send your feedback and comments to me on Facebook at ABCofrockpodcast or Twitter at ABCrockpodcast. I can also be reached via email at ABCofrockpodcast@gmail.com. Hit me me up. Love to get your feedback!I do not own the rights to any of the music played on this podcast. The musicians or the music labels own the copyright. I play this music under the doctrine of Fair Use. I am not here as a DJ, but to offer music commentary and criticism. My goal is for you to gain a larger appreciation for the bands or the musicians played here on this podcast and I ask for you to go out and purchase their music or legally stream it. The musicians need your support and I hope this show contributes to spreading the good word about the bands you hear on these episodes. I do not profit in any way from this podcast. It is truly done out of my pure love of the music.

13m 25s  ·  Jan 16, 2021

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