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S11E149 Gretchen Schimelpfenig/GLASE - Building Resilient Solutions for CES and the Importance of Sustainability

Vertical Farming Podcast

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Episode  ·  52:13  ·  Nov 28, 2024


Are you still manually turning your greenhouse lights on and off? Discover how integrated control systems can revolutionize your vertical farming operations. Join me as I sit down with Gretchen Schimelpfenig, a leading expert in the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) industry. With a background in high-performance buildings and sustainable design, Gretchen has carved out a niche in energy efficiency for greenhouses and indoor farms. Her journey from aspiring sustainable designer to a key player in the CEA industry offers valuable insights into the intersection of energy and agriculture.In our conversation, we explore the transformative potential of integrated control systems in vertical farming. Gretchen shares her experiences and findings from a California-based study, highlighting the untapped opportunities for energy monitoring and smarter control strategies. We delve into the challenges and innovations within the industry, emphasizing the importance of blending traditional and modern technologies to drive progress. Beyond the main discussion, we touch on the significance of diversity in the CEA industry, the role of conferences in fostering connections, and the evolving landscape of vertical farming. Gretchen also shares her thoughts on the future of the industry and the trends shaping its growth. Curious to learn how you can optimize your vertical farming operations and stay ahead in the industry? Click to listen and gain insights from Gretchen's expertise and experiences.Thanks to Our SponsorsBio520 Key Takeaways5:38 Early Career Path10:01 Role in CEA20:15 Data Sharing Challenges26:17 Upcoming Conferences33:17 CEA Industry Trends45:20 Nutritional Value in CEATweetable Quotes"I always saw myself as a translator, taking best practices from building design and energy management and applying them to the CEA industry. It's been a pleasure to learn and share knowledge across these fields.""As a woman in STEM, I've always pushed for more representation. I believe in lifting others up and being a voice that offers a new perspective, especially in an industry that often sees the same types of people on panels.""The challenge is making the work I do pay for itself, especially when costs are high. I strive to ensure that my contributions, whether through rebates or grants, ultimately make projects more affordable for growers."Resources MentionedWebsite - https://gretchenschimelpfenig.com/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gschimelpfenig/Connect With UsVFP LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/verticalfarmingpodcastVFP Twitter - https://twitter.com/VerticalFarmPodVFP Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/direct/inbox/VFP Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VerticalFarmPodSubscribe to our newsletters!AgTech Digest - https://agtechdigest.comThe Indoor Farmer - <a href="https://www.indoorverticalfarm.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

52m 13s  ·  Nov 28, 2024

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