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S1E8: Reduce Fear and Increase Confidence in English with Authenticity and Self -compassion

English Outside the Box

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  17:23  ·  Aug 25, 2022


Don't be afraid to show up as YOU, mistakes and all! Tune in to hear why and how authenticity will help your confidence and increase your ability to speak and use English. Connect back with our interview this month to understand why showing up and making mistakes can actually help you more than perfectionism. This doesn't mean you can be sloppy or lazy, and you must be mindful of your mistakes, weaknesses, and professional needs; however, becoming more authentic will help you reduce fear, build confidence and actually start using English. Start with self-compassion, and if you want support, let’s connect!  Get started with me on WhatsApp:  https://wa.me/message/ATIRTKSRZIVRC1

17m 23s  ·  Aug 25, 2022

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