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S2 Ep1: Why is the Filip Miucin plagiarism scandal such a big deal? {Ep. 35}

Trust Sircle

Episode   ·  3 Plays

Episode  ·  3 Plays  ·  1:29:01  ·  Aug 31, 2018


We know it's been a while, but your favorite hosts just had to come back to talk about this insane scandal that has blown up in the game industry. Here's our post-mortem of Filip Miucin's plagiarism drama that is still infuriating Marcus and Devin weeks later. Catch up with them and their lives over the last year and then dive into the deep with the kind of thoughtful discussions you've been missing from Trust Sircle. {SUPPLEMENTAL READING} IGN Plagiarism scandal overshadows epic Smash Bros. Ultimate news #DailyHotTake http://topshelfgaming.net/daily-hot-take-filip-miucin/ {SUPPORT THE SHOW} Follow Trust Sircle on Twitter: https://twitter.com/topshelfgaming Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/topshelfgaming.net/ Review us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/trust-sircle/id1151287082?mt=2

1h 29m 1s  ·  Aug 31, 2018

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