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S2 Ep152: OCTOBER/Cybersecurity Month: Jazmen Poole Interview w/USF's Cyber Florida

Tampa Bay Podcast Archive

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Episode  ·  14:03  ·  Oct 2, 2024


PROTECT YOUR DATE. October is Cybersecurity Month and our new USF journalism graduate student and RadioStPete.com correspondent Jazmen Poole interviewed Jennifer Kleman of USF's Cyber Florida. This organization was created to help Florida become a national leader in cybersecurity education, academic, and practical research, and community outreach and engagement. And being partner up with the University of South Florida to carrying out special projects on the behalf of Florida Legislature, to help the citizens, businesses, and organizations of Florida stay safer in cyberspace. Cyber Florida engages a large network of public and private partners to achieve our goals, spanning public organizations such as law enforcement, public school districts, state, county, and local government, to private companies that provide services and contribute to Florida’s growing cyber-related economy. Jennifer Kleman the Outreach manager, states why you must be mined full of having strong passwords and staying aware and to take action to protect your data. Kleman also wants people to know the month of October is Cyber Security Awareness month and this where more people should use their common cents on their personal data. USEFUL LINKS www.cyberflorida.org www.usf.edu/cybersecurity/about-us/index.aspx   www.cyberflorida.org/training/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9V-ZpVqpLVFakXrhM5hfyyIftsa2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu-63BhC9ARIsAMMTLXSFGf4p31dR2Jhy_RGc-HXzPoJKHJAf_KR6ikO5zVMXCfgZl3i_cW4aAj9YEALw_wcB https://cyberflorida.org/connect/

14m 3s  ·  Oct 2, 2024

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