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S2 Ep7: NovPod, a beginner’s guide to anaesthetics, Episode 7: Induction and airways

Anaesthesia on Air

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Episode  ·  34:14  ·  Jul 31, 2023


NovPod returns with A&E trainee and stand-up comedian Dr Kwame Asante discussing airways and induction of anaesthesia. We also reflect with Kwame about his anaesthetic novice period from his perspective as a non-anaesthetic trainee. The Novpod: a beginner's guide to anaesthetics is created, edited, and co-hosted by Dr Eoin Dore and Dr Duncan Kemp. We are two anaesthetic registrars on a mission to help our new anaesthetic colleagues get to know some of the new concepts you will come across in your novice period, hopefully helping to take away any anxiety around starting your time in anaesthetics. The NovPod is presented by Anaesthesia on Air, in association with the Royal College of Anaesthesia. Please note that all opinions expressed in the podcast are those of the individuals appearing on the podcast and do not necessarily reflect the views of the RCoA. References/links: DAS intubation guidelines DAS/RCoA novice teaching material for the novice anaesthetist DAS ICU intubation checklist  Cormack & Lehane grading E-learning for healthcare - e-LA module 1: Introduction to clinical anaesthesia -> 05 Induction of Anaesthesia and Intraoperative Management > 12 Management of the airway and failed intubation drills > Airway maintenance - Tracheal tube 1 - very good run through of technique and steps + 13 Induction of anaesthesia ** Tell us how we can improve the NovPod! Complete our 5-minute survey.**

34m 14s  ·  Jul 31, 2023

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