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Savoring SUMMER.


Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  9:26  ·  Jul 3, 2022


"Savor life: Don't just breathe it in; exhale the moment to intake the next." Summer is here! The days feel longer, there's more hours of sunlight and the cities are alive again. With all that's going on externally, it's can feel easy to lose track of yourself internally. In this mini-sode, I share three ways to savor summer - by being mindful. Honour yourself and this present moment with a guided meditation and healing sound bath by LUCIANA. Moment of mindfulness: Feel safe and acceptance within your being. Centering thought: What is presenting itself in your life right now? What is making its way out? New mini-sode every Sunday. If you enjoy this segment, please leave a review and share with your loved ones. Email any feedback or inquiries to kaylin.dyal@gmail.com.

9m 26s  ·  Jul 3, 2022

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