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Secrets to Consistent Podcasting Success – PCI 403

Podcast Insider

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Episode  ·  17:14  ·  Jul 4, 2024


The Blubrry team spills their secrets on how to be consistent and how to stay motivated for podcast success. Mike and MacKenzie have a combined 30 years of podcasting and in this episode, they explore practical strategies, share inspiring stories, and offer expert tips to help you keep your passion alive and your episodes on schedule. Join us as we uncover the secrets to sustaining your podcasting momentum and turning your creative vision into a long-term success. Here Are 11 Tips to Help You Podcast Consistently 1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your podcast. Clear goals give you something to strive for and help maintain focus. Whether it’s reaching a certain number of episodes, growing your audience, or monetizing, having a target can be very motivating. 2. Create a Content Calendar: Plan your episodes in advance. A content calendar helps you stay organized and ensures you have a steady flow of topics to cover. It can also help you align your episodes with relevant events or seasons. 3. Batch Recording: Record multiple episodes in one sitting. This can be a great way to ensure you have a backlog of content ready to go, reducing the pressure of producing an episode every week. 4. Engage with Your Audience: Listener feedback can be incredibly motivating. Engage with your audience through social media, emails, or comments. Knowing that people are listening and valuing your content can give you the boost you need to keep going. 5. Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with other podcasters or guests can bring fresh perspectives and ideas to your show. It can also introduce you to new audiences and provide a motivational boost through shared enthusiasm. Maybe even promo swaps or guesting on other podcasts in your topic area. 6. Continual Learning and Improvement: Invest in your skills by learning more about podcasting, audio editing, marketing, etc. Improvement can be a great motivator as you see the quality of your podcast enhance over time. Listen to podcasts (Like this one) and others that report about what is going on in podcasting. Sign up for podcasting newsletters. Take an audio editing class or watch YouTube videos about the editing software you are using. Attend relevant topic conferences and podcast events 7. Stay Passionate About Your Topic: Choose topics that you are passionate about. Your enthusiasm will not only keep you motivated but also engage your listeners more effectively. 8. Take a break if you need one: Don’t be afraid to take breaks when needed. Burnout can be a major de-motivator, so it’s important to take care of your mental and physical health. Schedule breaks or hiatuses to recharge. Play re-run episodes or run an episode you recorded earlier to cover your break. 9. Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s your 10th episode, 100th download, or first piece of positive feedback. Recognizing your progress can be very encouraging. 10. Monetization and Rewards: If possible, monetize your podcast. Financial rewards can be a strong motivator. This could be through sponsorships, merchandise, Patreon, or other revenue streams. 11. Join Podcasting Communities: Being part of a community of podcasters can provide support, inspiration, and accountability. Online forums, social media groups, or local meetups can be great places to connect with fellow podcasters. Implementing these strategies can help you maintain motivation and consistency in your podcasting journey. The best place for support with any Blubrry product or service is our ticket system. Tickets give the whole team access vs. direct emails or calls. General podcasting discussion and more can be shared on the Blubrry Podcasting Facebook group. Fill out our listener survey at surveys.blubrry.com/podcastinsider Hosting customers can schedule a one-on-one call with Todd or a tech checkup with Mike.

17m 14s  ·  Jul 4, 2024

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