Join our often host, Reid Miles of Inside the Aspergers Studio podcast with guest Michael Barton. Michael reveals his newfound understanding of the purpose of small talk, helping individuals with Asperger's syndrome navigate social interactions. However, just as Michael begins to find comfort in small talk, a shocking revelation leaves him questioning everything he thought he knew. Will he be able to overcome this unexpected obstacle? Barton shares his struggles with small talk and how he used to see it as meaningless chatter. However, he later discovered that small talk serves as a way to gauge if the other person is interested in having a more in-depth conversation. Recognizing this purpose has helped Barton navigate small talk, even though he admits he still finds it challenging. This episode provides valuable insights into the difficulties individuals with Asperger's face in social interactions and offers tips for improving communication skills.,Reid Miles sits down with Michael Barton, an author and speaker with Asperger's syndrome, to explore the challenges individuals with Asperger's face in communication. Barton shares his personal experiences with small talk and how he used to view it as empty chatter. However, he now understands that small talk serves as a way to test the waters and gauge if the other person is open to deeper conversation.This episode provides a fresh perspective on the purpose of small talk and offers valuable insights for individuals on the spectrum looking to improve their communication skills. Barton's candid discussions about his struggles and newfound understanding make this episode relatable and informative for anyone interested in understanding the communication challenges faced by individuals with Autism.You've got to gradually and slowly expose yourself to new experiences which can be uncomfortable, and then with time you become more comfortable with them. - Michael Bartonhttps://www.michaelbarton.org.uk/
36m 1s · Jan 2, 2024
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