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Talk/Young woman went to Mexico for vacation with friends and ended up dead.

PJC Media

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Episode  ·  1:15:00  ·  Nov 19, 2022


This 25 year old young lady had traveled to Mexico for a vacation, but she ended dead the next day. An unidentified woman, believed to be one of her friends, who saw the young lady was being punched, hitting, and slamming to the ground. A man was recording the assault and was heard to say, "Can you at least fight back? Do something!" As the clip went on, the woman continued to land hits, telling the young lady to stand on her feet, after she remained on the floor seemingly intoxicated.  The parents were told from the autopsy, that the young girl had alcohol poisoning, and that her neck had been broken and she had a back spasm. There was a crack, and her spinal cord was cracked. Later, the entire group returned from Mexico, leaving their young friend behind.

1h 15m   ·  Nov 19, 2022

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