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Taxes: Kamala Proposes a 44.6 % Income Tax

The Real Power Family Radio Show

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Episode  ·  1:00:03  ·  Sep 12, 2024


Taxes: Kamala proposes a 44.6% Income Tax California already charges more than 10% in state tax. Cities have their own taxes. The county is more than doubling property taxes on some properties in our area. You pay sales tax on everything you buy. Gas tax when you drive. The government is spending more than 20% of your taxes on interest alone. Why? Because it spends 40% more than it takes from us every year. We are now over $35 Trillion in debt. Every president from every political party has increased this debt MORE than the last president. None of the candidates are even talking about decreasing government spending. Taxes are without any question the biggest expense you will ever have in your life. All of this & they have the nerve to talk about “Greedy Capitalists” and “Price Gouging!” www.RealPowerFamily.com Info@ClearSkyTrainer.com 833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428

1h 3s  ·  Sep 12, 2024

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