Meet Allen Waters for Congress in RI D1. Allen Waters states " I offer you bold leadership and commonsense solutions that appeals to mainstream American values. I believe we must grow the American economy, preserve our American culture, and, above all, we must protect the American people. I support the principles of free enterprise, individual freedom, limited government, and a strong national defense. We all have a God given right to self-defense as supported by the 2nd Amendment. I support School Choice to help more Rhode Island families find publicly funded education for their children not limited by zip code, and to help protect the taxpayers who should get a better return on educational investment. Like many Americans, I am very concerned about the growing influence of the radical left and their ceaseless march to socialism or even worse. Did you know the ratio of liberal to conservative college professors today is 12:1? Too many parents are sending their children off to be educated, but instead, they are being indoctrinated, and afraid of one of our most precious rights: freedom of speech. I believe federal grants to higher education should be tied to the protection of the First Amendment on campus. I support getting government out of student lending to let the free market work between diploma buyers and diploma sellers to bring down costs because Direct Student Loans and other subsidized programs are inflationary. In America, we are all paying a high price for college safe spaces that protect students from words and ideas, when being able to civilly listen and debate opposing points of view are priceless to advance our society. Fight assimilation to the leftist collective. Join national political commentator/host Chauncey I. Brown III for an exciting conversation with Allen Waters.
56m 15s · Aug 25, 2022
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