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The CHAUNCEY Show-Meet Journalist Kari Baxter Donovan


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Episode  ·  57:55  ·  Sep 8, 2022


Join national politcal commentator Chauncey I. Brown III and journalist Kari Baxter Donovan for a very insightful show about politics in America today. Journalist Kari Baxter Donovan Kari is an ex-Community Organizer who writes about Cultural Marxism, grassroots activism, music, IndyCar racing and political campaigns. She is a registered Independent voter. Kari has homeschooled 3 children, and she lives in North Carolina. She likes to cover Conservative activism and has been active recently with the parent's rights movement at the school board level in Wake Co.She likes photography and photojournalism and has been around politics in one way or another, she says, for most of her life, having been daughter by her grandmother about Nixon's Watergate trial. Kari worked with Community Organizer Jessie Jackson under US Congressman Howard Wolpe, who was a Democrat, but we won't hold that against her. Kari writes for a number of people, most notably, for David Harris Jr., Will Johnson and Ben Bergquam. Most of my articles are at djhjmedia.com'author/kari  @Saorsa1776 on GETTR.

57m 55s  ·  Sep 8, 2022

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