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The Comedy of Leftism - Weekend Recap 12-28-24

The Kevin Jackson Show

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Episode  ·  39:39  ·  Dec 28, 2024


[SEGMENT 2-1] Comedian reads email on election night breakup   [X] SB - Comedian reads email on election night breakup  [SEGMENT 2-2] Woman’s Movement 1 – Catfished   [X] SB – Radio show discusses catfished woman  [SEGMENT 2-3] Woman’s Movement 2   [X] SB – Young woman on being alone        [SEGMENT 2-4] Comedy and politics   "Isn’t Leftism just one big joke? They knew Biden’s brain was fried when they ran him, but they still put him in the Oval Office. That’s like putting a mannequin behind the wheel of a Tesla’s autopilot feature won’t notice. "We’ve got a congresswoman chilling in a dementia facility for six months, and nobody in D.C. noticed. You know who did notice? Her nurse—when she started voting on bills in the middle of Bingo night. And what about the Left ridiculing Elon Musk? The guy who replaced NASA for 2 cents on the dollar. And Democrats can’t build a healthcare website for less than $5b and it still crashes. "The Democrats said, ‘Trust the science,’ but now they’re out here saying men can breastfeed. I hate to break it to you, but if you’re a man and you’re lactating, GET TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM STAT. Remember when they told us the economy was doing great, and then eggs started costing more than concert tickets? What’s next, a Black Friday deal on gasoline?" Remember we were told how popular Kamala Harris was. At the time, her approval ratings were so low, even her shadow won’t follow her, but the tried to rebrand her. And to believe the media, Joe Biden was not only going to run in the Boston Marathon, he was going to win it. They’ve got Biden wandering off stage like he’s auditioning for a reboot of Lost, and Kamala was one cackle away from becoming a supervillain. The Left wanted to outlaw cow farts and gas stoves. What’s next, outlawing microwaves? Are we all supposed to cook with equity-powered thoughts now? Remember when the Left said ‘follow the money’ to expose corruption? Well, we did, and it led straight to Joe Biden’s beach house!" They’re rewriting history in schools to make everyone a victim. Pretty soon, math class will start with, ‘If two oppressed identities walk into a room, how many reparations do they owe each other?’""They keep screaming about ‘saving democracy,’ but when’s the last time you felt saved by a $7 loaf of bread? I’ll wait.""Apparently, if you criticize a drag queen story hour, you’re anti-LGBTQ. Look, I’m just saying, let’s not take book recommendations from someone whose wardrobe is 80% sequins."""The media went from, ‘Inflation is temporary,’ to ‘Here’s why paying $12 for cereal is actually a good thing.’ What’s next? A think piece on the virtues of dumpster diving?""The Democrats are like a bad magician—they distract you with one hand while the other hand steals your wallet, your gas stove, and your common sense!"     Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-kevin-jackson-show--2896352/support.

39m 39s  ·  Dec 28, 2024

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