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The Electoral College and it's Racist Origins

PJC Media

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Episode  ·  1:14:00  ·  Sep 7, 2024


Every four years, the United States holds a General election to elect the next president and vice president. However, rather than hold the election through a popular vote of its citizens, the US uses a special system for these election: the Electoral College. It is madeup of a body of electors who are meant to represent the populations of their states, and these presidential elctors cast votes to determine both the president and vice president of the USA. In order to be elected, a president and vice president must win an absolute majority (or 51%) of the Electoral College vote or 270 votes. This is considered one of th enations oldest structural racial entitlement programs and its most consequential...The Electoral College!

1h 14m   ·  Sep 7, 2024

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