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The Great Reset & The End of Biological Humans? - with Alison Hawver McDowell

The Fenton Spectrum

Episode   ·  42 Plays

Episode  ·  42 Plays  ·  1:51:59  ·  Jan 7, 2021


Human technology has reached a point where it can not only readily eradicate our species from the face of the Earth, but it can also change our bodies and minds at a fundamental level. Independant researcher and blogger, Alison Hawver McDowell, takes us on a journey through the infrastructure that is being rolled out for a Great Reset of our society, economic systems, military and our very bodies. Will the internet of bodies, internal bio-sensors, smart dust, CrispR and synthetic life bring about the end of Homo sapiens? More importantly, why are so few people talking about these profound implications of our cutting edge technologies?(WrenchInTheGears.com)

1h 51m 59s  ·  Jan 7, 2021

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