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The Mystery of Mahabharata: Did Time Travel Really Happen?


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Episode  ·  3:53  ·  Sep 2, 2024


The Mahabharata, a monumental epic, is deeply intertwined with Indian religious and cultural history, encompassing elements of science, religion, politics, and society. Some narratives within this epic, such as the stories of Revati and Balarama, and Kalayavan and Krishna, suggest the possibility of time travel, a concept widely explored in science fiction today. These stories depict events where time behaves in extraordinary ways, raising questions about whether the Mahabharata contains actual instances of time travel or if they are simply imaginative tales. While these stories could be interpreted as reflections of ancient knowledge, they also face scrutiny as poetic embellishments. The debate continues over whether these narratives hold any scientific truth or are purely fictional, adding to the Mahabharata's mystique and complexity.

3m 53s  ·  Sep 2, 2024

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