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The Real Debate: A Game-Changer in American Politics | X Spaces

The Jeff Dornik Show

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Episode  ·  1:09:30  ·  Jul 1, 2024


On the drive home from attending The Real Debate, where Robert F Kennedy Jr responded in real-time to the CNN debate questions and answers from Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I hosted a Space on X where I interacted with the audience to get everyone's initial reaction to the debates. From my perspective, Joe Biden proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he's unfit to be President due to his dementia, Donald Trump only speaks in overgeneralizations and attacks and Robert F Kennedy Jr came out on top, with detailed responses to each of the questions.If you’d like to Declare Your Independence from both political parties and support a truly independent candidate in Robert F Kennedy Jr for President, consider donating to his campaign at https://jeffdornik.com/kennedy.Subscribe to The Jeff Dornik Show on Rumble to catch every episode LIVE: https://rumble.com/c/thejeffdornikshow Sign up for Pickax, the social media platform that protects free speech, is not beholden to Big Tech, has algorithms that amplify your voice and provides monetization opportunities for content creators. https://pickax.com Subscribe to The Jeff Dornik Show on Substack to get all of Jeff’s shows, interviews and articles directly to your email inbox. Become a paid subscribe to get access to his weekly exclusive show for paid subscribers only. Subscribe at https://jeffdornik.substack.com.

1h 9m 30s  ·  Jul 1, 2024

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