HAPPY NEW YEARS to YOU!!!!! What a time to change your life! Qhat a great time to RESET YOURSELF! I talk about different things YOU can do to start fresh for the NEW YEAR!!! The gift I mentioned of the FREE, yes, FREE Hypnosis session is easy to get to! Goto www.noemahh.comScroll ove to the "HYPNOTHERAPY" tabScroll down to the 'DOWNLOAD A HYPNOSIS SESSION""CLICK HERE"Click on the "CREATE A NEW YOU 2023"Your cart will pop up with a cost of $33.33On the left it will say "ENTER A PROMO CODE"Enter "RESETYOURSEL22" one wordThis will deduct 100% so that means no hidden charges!!!WHY? Cause I care for YOU!All, I ask is that you please put in what you get out! So listen when YOU can devote time to listening to it! Feel free to Listen as often as YOU like! PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES!!! Many Blessings to YOU, YOUR FAMILY & Especially YOUR PETS!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
41m 13s · Dec 27, 2022
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