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The Sect of the Healed Chronicles -- Fallout -- Write Stuff -- 4/12/2022

PJC Media

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Episode  ·  33:00  ·  Apr 12, 2022


What if a group of people existed who were relatives of the people Jesus healed? What if those people possessed special powers as a result of a DNA change that occurred with the healing? The story continues in the second installment of The S.O.T. H. Initiative, The Sect of the Healed Chronicles! The software has been released, the world now knows the truth, and the world is awakened to a new direction. There is a dark force resisting this awakening, one that will work to wipe out the Sect of the Healed who yearn to share the truth with the world. Come with us on a worldwide journey of intrigue, mystery, and miracles as Professor Lindey Batchelor and the SOTH family share their archaeological treasures with the world. You will see what artifacts and literary treasures the world will experience. Many will embrace the truth, but many will seek to snuff it out along with all those associated with the great awakening. The Soth Initiative is a book about truth, power, resistance to the light, overcoming the darkness, and the power of God living in everyday people. Come with Lindey and his team as they travel the world, rescue the innocent, engage the darkness, and overcome evil to share the truth the world needs to hear. ENTER WIN A FREE COPY OF DEAN'S BOOK BY LEAVING YOUR NAME BELOW THIS LINK. A random winner will be selected! Join me as I chat with my returning guest co-host and contributor, Dean Brior as we chat about the next installment in his series, on Tuesday, April 12th at a special time, 4:00 PM Eastern time. Listen in by calling 646-668-8485, on podcast platforms everywhere. Or, click on the link here: http://tobtr.com/12087020.

33m   ·  Apr 12, 2022

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