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The Truth about Scabies! - Ep. 96


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Episode  ·  1:02:30  ·  Jul 15, 2022


We jump into a lot of men health talk in this episode. Everything from Lasik eye surgery to vasectomy's! We remember PAN AM flights and give an update on Google Ai!  In this episode we... ...debate Lasik eye surgery. ...jump back to childhood with PAN AM flights. ...remember childhood injuries, that probably could've been avoided. ...discuss men's health after 30! ...hear a story of a girl that held in farts. (Patreon Exclusive) ...find a medical device that is pretty much terrifying! ...have the latest scoop on Google A.I. ...learn a new way to honor your passed love ones. ...play Filthy Trivia about scabies! ...close up with hints on our upcoming Season 5! Thank you for listening, Thank you for watching. Peacocks Up! Website: https://rayhartrundown.com Merch: https://rayhartrundownmerch.com Retired merch: https://rayhartrundown.com/oldmerch Become a Patreon Peacock: https://patreon.com/rayhartrundown  Follow us on: Instagram: https://instagram.com/therayhartrundown  Twitter: https://twitter.com/rayhartrundown  Facebook: https://facebook.com/rayhartrundownpodcast Friends of the show : iPossessed Movie: https://rayhartrundown.com/ipossessed  Shame of Life Game: https://theshameoflife.com Soaps and Lotions: https://Bubblybathandbody.com SUPPORT US by using one or all of these Free Trial or Offer links:   Epidemic Sound and Music: https://rayhartrundown.com/sound  Headliner for Subtitles: https://rayhartrundown.com/headliner  Your own Podcast Website: https://rayhartrundown.com/podpage  Get a better link tree: https://rayhartrundown.com/campsite  Make free Video Emails : https://rayhartrundown.com/bonjoro

1h 2m 30s  ·  Jul 15, 2022

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